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Cervical Spinal Stenosis Pain

Cervical stenosis is a common cause of neck pain. It happens as there are changes with the vertebrae of the neck and the joints between those vertebrae. Bone spurs are bony lumps that grow around the spine begin to form around the vertebrae, causing cervical spinal stenosis. As the spurs enlarge over time, the spinal canal narrows and put pressure on the spinal cord and nerves.

Signs and symptoms

  • Neck pain
  • Numbness
  • Tingling sensation in areas such as arms, legs, and feet
  • Issues with balance
  • Issues with bladder or bowl control (very rare and severe cases)
  • Issues with fine movements such as writing, buttoning buttons, or using keys.

Cervical Spinal Stenosis
causes pain in the following area(s)

Head Pain

Head and Neck

The joint between the head and the neck is known as the Craniovertebral Junction. This is a complex area of your body as it is where the brain transitions to your spinal cord that sends all of the messages from…
