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Plantar Fasciitis Pain

Plantar fasciitis refers to the inflammation (swelling) of the Plantar Fascia ligament which found right under our foot. This irritation is caused by the excessive stretching of that ligament and the potential causes include, obesity, over stressing the ligament through too much physical activity such as running. Improper footwear as well as jobs that require a lot of standing such as teaching or manual work line worker.

Signs and symptoms

  • Pain in the morning and gets worse throughout the day
  • Stiffness in the morning
  • Pain especially present when standing for long periods of time

Plantar Fasciitis
causes pain in the following area(s)

Foot Pain


The foot is a complex collection of small joints. We wouldn’t be able to mobilise, balance, stand or complete any complex action without out feet. It allows stabilisation of our body weight whilst also being able to transfer kinetic energy…
