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Elbow Scan

Elbow Scan

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Our elbow is a vital part of the arm as it allows us to grab items and be able to turn and twist the hand and be able to bring the object up and down, as well as placing them down with control and precision. it is crucial for daily upper body functioning, and we use it for everything from being able to eat and clean to being able to open doors and have access to all the tools required to live life on a day-to-day basis. As such the elbow can become prone to suffer from damage and offer use and due to the importance of micro movements when utilising the joint, we become more debilitated when the elbow become injured.

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Ankle / Achilles Tendon

The ankle joint is comprised of 3 joints, that work with one another to allow a wide range of movement such as being able to make a circle with our feet, point them up and down as well as twisting…

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Our elbow is a vital part of the arm as it allows us to grab items and be able to turn and twist the hand and be able to bring the object up and down, as well as placing them…

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The foot is a complex collection of small joints. We wouldn’t be able to mobilise, balance, stand or complete any complex action without out feet. It allows stabilisation of our body weight whilst also being able to transfer kinetic energy…

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Our hand is crucial for daily upper body functioning, and we use it for everything from being able to eat and clean to being able to open doors and have access to all the tool required to live life on…

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Head / Brain

A brain (head) MRI scan is a painless test that produces very clear images of the structures inside of your head — mainly, your brain.  First Contact Health use brain MRIs to evaluate, diagnose and monitor several different medical conditions…

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The hip joint is a ball and socket joint and is composed of the Femur (thigh bone) and the acetabulum of the pelvis (The socket of the pelvic bone) and it is surrounded by many of the large muscles, large…

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The knee is a hinge joint comprised from the femur (thigh bone), patella (kneecap), tibia and fibula (lower leg bones), and it is tasked with allowing us to sit, squat, walk, run and jump whilst being able to weight bear…

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Lower Arm / Forearm

The Forearm consists of the radius and ulna, the muscles that make up the forearms are the wrist extensors and wrist flexors. It allows us to lift objects and grab objects from different planes and as a result it is…

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Lower Leg

The lower leg consists of tibia and fibula (the two bones between the knee and the ankle). The main muscle that is found in the lower leg that is responsible for walking, balance as well as running and jumping, the…

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An MRI of the cervical spine produces detailed pictures of the cervical spine (the bones in the back of the neck). A cervical spine MRI can detect a variety of conditions in the neck and upper back area, including problems…

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An MRI of the prostate is used to diagnose and assess the severity of various prostate conditions, such as prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostatitis. An MRI of the prostate can be used to evaluate the size, shape,…

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The shoulder is an important part of our upper limb as it allows us to grab items and be able to turn and to bring the object up and down, as well as placing them down with control and precision….

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The back consists of 12 vertebrae in the chest called the thoracic spine and five vertebrae in the lower back known as the lumbar spine. There are a variety of pathologies that could cause back pain with reasons ranging from…

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The upper leg region also known as the thigh is consisted of multiple muscles surrounding the longest leg bone called the femur. The thigh is located below the hip joint and above the knee joint, as a result often when…

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Upper Arm

The Upper arm consists of the humerus and the muscles that make up the arms which are the biceps and triceps. It allows us to lift objects to our face and be able to grab objects from a table and…

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Our wrists are a vital part of the hand as it allows us to grab items and be able to turn and twist the hand whichever way it is required to grip the object; we need at the is…

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