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The hip joint is a ball and socket joint and is composed of the Femur (thigh bone) and the acetabulum of the pelvis (The socket of the pelvic bone) and it is surrounded by many of the large muscles, large blood supplies as well as nerves that relay information from the brain to the rest of the body via the spinal cord. With the hip joint having such mobility and many soft tissues structures composing it, it is likely that something within the joint may become injured or damaged as a result of strain or an injury.
Bursitis describes the inflammation and irritation of the bursa which is a small sac filled with fluid that cushions impact whilst moving as well as lubricating the join, allowing smooth movement of the joint. Ankle The Bursa’s in the ankle…
Joint Hypermobility is a genetic condition as which causes ligament laxity and as result causes the joints to be way more flexible than the typical joint range of motion. This extended range of motion can cause pain and weakness in…
The Iliotibial band is the tendon that connects from the side of your hip and all the way down to the tibia (lower leg bone), this is an important soft tissue structure as it helps to stabilise the whole leg…
Joint instability can be caused by weakened soft tissues elements of the joint such as the ligament, tendon, or muscles. The instability can be caused be suffering from multiple dislocations, hypermobility, overtraining. This weakness can cause increase range of movement…
Ligaments are soft tissues structures that connect bone to another bone and their role is to stabilise the joint structures. When they become damaged or injury, they often cause the joint to become unstable and weak, and this can occur…
Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and is also known as degenerative joint disease and the cause is usually wear and tear. This causes pain due to the cartilage between the joints begins to break down and change…
Hip replacement is an invasive injury completely changing the anatomy of the hip join with a prosthetic part and as a result requires a long time to get adjusted to and whilst adjusting to the new hip it is common…
Snapping hip is a condition that describes the popping or clicking sound that occurs when you move the hip, this “cracking” can also be felt or seen whilst walking, running, or moving the hip. This condition can occur in one…